Member-only story
A simple webpack setup with Bootstrap and VueJS

I’m sure there a hundreds of variants of these out there in the wild, but I thought I’d throw my aging hat into the ring. Or keys into the hat. What’s the saying?
This is something I’ve boiled down to be as light as I could possibly make it, and as straightforward to work with as I could get. Although critique is always welcome. Constructive critique. Don’t just wade in here, call me a muppet, and then ride off into the sunset.
I’ve put a link to the Github repository at the end, so you can skip past everything if you just want the raw goods.
Node version management
First thing to talk about — Node.js. I expect many of you out there working on front-end development need to switch node versions between different projects. It’s a given. Of course, we need a way to manage that, and I used to use NVM.
However, the past few months I’ve been trying out something called FNM, or Fast Node Manager, and I really like it. It’s built in Rust, and if you want to give it a go, there’s a very descriptive Github repo here that explains how to configure it.